Naturopathic Diagnostic Lab Tests
Find the root of your health concerns fast.
Meridian Naturopathic Clinic offers Greater Toronto Area patients an unmatched range of naturopathic diagnostic lab tests available under one roof, including:

ABO Blood Typing - Discover your unique dietary requirements according to your blood type, based on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right For Your Blood Type.

Adrenal Function Tests - Measure your adrenal health with a simple blood test. Healthy adrenal glands distribute hormones such as adrenaline throughout your body and help you deal with daily stress.

Cancer Marker Tests - Test your blood for the presence of proteins associated with breast and prostate cancer.

Colon Toxicity Tests - Detect toxic bi-products of improperly digested food in your colon with a urine sample test.

Hair Analysis - Check for nutritional deficiencies and toxicity from heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, aluminum and lead with a hair sample test.

Parasite Stool Analysis - Detect the presence of parasites in your digestive system with stool sample analysis.

Salivary Hormone Assessment - Analyze concentration of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, and melatonin in your body. Get a broad view of your hormone cycle with testing over a period of one month, rather than a single test.

Cardiovascular Profile - Find out how nutritional factors can contribute to cardiovascular disease.


We also outsource other lab tests as needed, including food intolerance testing, heavy metal toxicity testing, vitamin D and gluten sensitivity testing, and more, depending on your needs.


Naturopathic Diagnostic Lab Tests

We're a one-of-a-kind naturopathic clinic providing in-depth health assessment and progressive treatment under one roof.

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